Introducing HB Rider of the Month – Heather Martin

Heather Martin Rider of the Month

As an active member of our #HBFam, Heather is a true inspiration to everyone she meets. Not only does she embody the HB spirit, but she is killing #HBSummerShare this year…see some of her #HBSummerShare posts here. Heather has even started to document her own weight loss journey on inspiring Instagram account @Journey_to_fierceandfit. We totally recommend you follow her journey, Heather is doing amazing! As Cara described Heather she said “She rode her first double last month, and has just been kicking ass, always high energy in class and overall positive vibes in the studio.” That is some high praise from Cara! We are just so happy to award you Rider of the Month, Congrats Heather!
1.Everyone has their own unique fitness journey. Rumor has it you’ve even started your own fitness Instagram account? What has your journey been like with spinning?

I started spinning at The Handle Bar Fenway location in August 2014.  I loved the energy of the music and motivation from the instructors to push beyond my limits. In January 2015, I began my fitness journey and The Handle Bar team has been positive and supportive every step of the way. I started and have maintained to take at least five to six classes per week. My stamina, skills and confidence in my riding began to skyrocket and I couldn’t get enough of the high I felt in class!  During this time, I started to record my fitness journey and progress on my Instagram account, @Journey_to_fierceandfit.  I have connected with people from all over the country on fitness, wellness and weight loss. This community keeps me motivated and inspired to reach my fitness and nutrition goals.
2. Tell us an unknown fact about yourself.

I sang at Carnegie Hall, performing with my concert choir!
3.What did you do for fitness prior to joining the studio? Besides cycling, what other activities do you do to keep fit?

Prior to cycling, I was a competitive hip hop dancer. I discovered I would exercise if the workout was music driven which is why I became a committed Zumba girl. I have recently tried boxing classes and would like to continue with that a few times a month to mix my workouts up.  Training at The Handle Bar has made for an easy transition to be a road cyclist.  In the summer, I paddle board, kayak, and swim to get my tan and fitness on!
4. What other communities are you a part of in Boston? Social groups, volunteering, athletics, hobbies?

I have been able to raise awareness and contribute to various charitable organizations through running 5K road races. These events keep me on track with my fitness goals while helping others.
5. What goals has The Handle Bar helped you achieve?

Fitness/Weight Loss Goals: Since February, I have lost 30 pounds! I have improved my stamina, my mental attitude towards fitness, and to challenge myself to spin harder in every class.

Other Achievements: The HB has increased my self confidence, helped stay committed to a healthy lifestyle, and connect to a social group that makes fitness and self improvement a priority.
6. What’s your favorite way to end a long week?

First, a 6:00 PM ride at The Handle Bar Fenway to spin away the work week. Then dinner and drinks with friends at a restaurant that none of us have been to before. The goal of the group for the summer is to never to meet up at the same place twice!
7. What words do you live by?

“Believe you can and you are halfway there” – Teddy Roosevelt

Thank you Heather for letting us find out more about you and we will be sure to follow your journey on Instagram! Keep up the great work and we are inspired by you everyday.

Do you have someone you would like to nominate for Rider of the Month? Reach out to us, email, twitter (@the_handle_bar), Facebook message us and tell us why this person deserves the praise 🙂

As always, see you in the saddle!

by amy frankenthaler

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