#HBSummerShare 2015: Commit to a Summer Worth Sharing

by amy frankenthaler


Have you signed up for #HBSummershare yet? If Not Now? When? #HBSummerShare starts June 1st, you have only a couple more days to take advantage of this fantastic deal: $400 for 10 weeks of UNLIMITED riding. How will you #raisethebar this summer?

We were able to reach out to four of our awesome HBriders that both won #HBSummerShare last summer Alisun Kovach, Dayna Isley, Becky Anzalone and Nicole Castillo. Thanks again ladies for sharing your experiences with us, we love our #HBFam! We had them reflect on their experience last summer with HBSummerShare:


1)What inspired you to sign up for #HBSummerShare last summer?

Becky Anzalone: I signed up #HBSummerShare last summer as a way to hold me accountable for my workout routine. I find it hard in the summer months to keep up with a consistent routine with the lure of outdoor patio drinking.  I already found myself spinning a few nights a week so it made sense (as well as the cost-savings of being able to have an unlimited pass to spin classes).

Nicole Castillo:I was training for a half-marathon, and I wanted to step up my game. Spinning made a huge difference, because I am able to achieve a much harder cardio doing it than running. Also, the competition was just so fun! And pretty much I’ll do anything for free swag. 🙂

Alisun Kovach: I never participated in any kind of challenge before, I thought the #HBSummerShare sounded really fun, and seemed like a great way to prioritize working out during the summer. Plus the potential to win a free month of unlimited riding and a free shirt had me sold!

Dayna Isley: I ran my first half marathon in May last year. Running, as it turns out, is not my favorite. I needed a change, and #HBSummerShare seemed like a good challenge.

2)Describe your experience. What was the best part about #HBSummerShare last year?

Becky Anzalone:I am so glad I participated last year! One of my good friends also did it with me, so we could both motivate each other and use it as an excuse to see each other more often.  I also loved having the board up on display – talk about accountability! It was also a great way to see how you were stacking up versus other riders. The competitive element was really motivating! I also really enjoyed the social media aspect and tagging my instagram pics and tweets with the #HBsummershare.  It’s a great way to stay connected with other HB riders/instructors.

Nicole Castillo: It was incredible! A friend (Valerie Abeille) and I did it — she was at Fenway and I was at Southie and we could watch each others’ progress on the leaderboard. It was hard at times to stick with it because I would “fall behind” when I went on vacation. But, knowing I had a goal to reach, got me to hit spin at times when I normally would just skip it… like before I got on the airplane for a summer vacation, or early in the morning after a late night out.

Alisun Kovach: Participating in the #HBSummerShare was awesome. Since I was at the studio so much, I got to meet a lot of new people and was able to get to know the girls who work there too (love them all!). I also loved that you got points not only for going to classes, but also for posting on instagram (truth be told, I didn’t have an insta account until the challenge started, and now I can’t get enough of it). It was fun walking around and finding random things that would remind you of the HB, and therefore remind you to get your butt to class, and like I said, prioritize working out, even when all you really wanted to do was lay at the beach all day.

Dayna Isley: I had been spinning some at the Handle Bar in Southie since it opened, but #HBSummerShare really kicked things up. I learned that I could spin a lot–even in the morning!–and really love it.  By the end of summer, I could even make it through both sets of arms in Elise’s hour of power Saturday classes. I felt stronger and had fun in the process.

3) Are you signed up for #HBSummerShare this summer? If so, what are you looking forward to most?

Becky Anzalone: I signed up for my second #HBsummershare for this summer and I can’t wait until it starts.  I am excited to have an unlimited pass to ride all summer long and stay motivated by all the amazing riders at the Handle Bar  (I have a couple friends who I plan on riding with this summer as well!). I’ve tried other spin studios over the years across the city, but the sense of community at Handle Bar, is part of what keeps me coming back.  #HBSummerShare is a prime example of why I love spinning at the Handle Bar.

Nicole Castillo: I’m not… because I have the VIP membership… or I totally would! I am still going to hashtag and post. The Handlebar ladies of twitter are already in full force. I’m excited to join them. I’m at @niccastillo1017 I’m all about the social media engagement. Last year, I did a top 10 things I learned from #HBSummerShare. Let’s see what I come up with this year. 🙂

Alisun Kovach: I haven’t decided if I’m singing up yet, but I would really like to win a beach towel, so I probably will!

Dayna Isley: I signed up for #HBSummerShare again because it was so motivating and fun last year. Because I like spin, I know I’ll stick with it; and if I ever feel like slacking, the challenge will keep me motivated. It’s also a great deal when you break it down. Bring on June 1!

An Instagram posted by Becky last summer for #HBSummerShare. A great example of the hashtag social media challenge in action.

An Instagram posted by Becky last summer for #HBSummerShare. A great example of the hashtag social media challenge in action.

If you still aren’t convinced, we’ve put together a list of the top reasons to participate in #HBSummerShare.

Top Five Reasons to Join #HBSummerShare 2015:

  1. Stay in Shape and Motivated all Summer long with a Steal of a Deal                       Each studio will track those participating in the riding competition. It’s officially bikini season, we have to keep that beach body we worked so hard to get! Can’t give up now, keep that beach body all summer long with #HBSummerShare. Ten weeks of unlimited riding for just $400 lets you stay in shape and save for those amazing summer adventures.
  2. #HBFam + #HBCommunity Support (Forever and Always <3)                                Join the #HBFam this summer not only in the saddle, but whereever your summer adventures take you! Simply, by tagging #HBSummerShare in a Facebook post, Instagram or tweet, your #HBFam will be right there with you. We, also, encourage you to make some new #HBSummerShare 2015 friends and meet up both on AND off the saddle. This is strongly encouraged in any and all challenges this summer..after all…“You CAN Spin With Us” 🙂
  3. Adjusted Summer Schedule- Just for YOU                                                         We know you’re busy, its summer, its warm…you want to be on the beach. We have tailored our weekend schedules to accommodate just that. Please take a look at your home studio’s schedules because weekend times have been added and changed for the summer effective this weekend. All the more reason to squeeze in a ride or two with your unlimited #HBSummerShare package.
  4. Prizes (Who doesn’t like prizes?)                                                                          We like prizes! If you participate in the riding competition and ride 45 times in 10 weeks…that’s just 4-5 times per week…you win a beautiful #HBSummerShare 2015 beach towel. Think of all those at the beach or pool envious of that gorgeous towel you EARNED. The top four rides will win FURTHER unlimited riding packages.                                                                              If you participate in the hashtag/social media competition, you have a chance to win a prize EVERY week of the competition. Each week, our favorite hashtagged post will be announced and the winner will receive a gift from 1 of our favorite local spots. The sponsor and prize will be announced at the start of each week, and to get you started  – here’s what we have for our first 4 weeks of the competition:

    Week 1 Prize: Handle Bar embroidered Backpack or duffle (of your choice)

    Week 2 Prize: A tasty gift from a tasty place! $50 to Tasty Burger

    Week 3 Prize: Feeling feisty? Post to win $50 to Loco Taqueria and Oyster Bar in Southie!

    Week 4 Prize:  A Perky Gift from our new Fenway neighbor! Pavement Coffee $50 gift card

                                     More prizes to be released next week!

  5. Competition                                                                                                                                             Challenge your friends, family, neighbors, mailman, new and old HB friends and more importantly YOURSELF to ride more, ride stronger, ride proud. Share the link to this blog with anyone you want to see sitting on that saddle next to you.                                                                                                                           This is your summer, your time to shine, to kick ass, so take charge! The summer of you is waiting…so grab a #HBSummershare package and watch yourself transform in just 10 weeks. The challenge starts June 1st, so act fast.

Click here to purchase your #HBSummerShare 2015 purchase.

Once the #HBSummerShare kicks off on June 1st, we’ll be following your progress riding AND sharing your Instagrams/tweets to keep you motivated and on track all summer long. Be sure to tag #HBSummerShare in your posts!

Tweet at us when and why you chose to sign up for #HBSummerShare to @The_Handle_Bar for twitter AND instagram!  Doing the #HBSummerShare for the second year in a row? We want to hear from you too, share your experiences just like Alisun, Dayna, Becky and Nicole. We may just share some on and before the #HBSummerShare kickoff June 1st.

As always, see you in the saddle!

The new LEADERBOOK for #HBSummerShare2015! Keep track of your progress and competition!

The new LEADERBOOK for #HBSummerShare 2015! Keep track of your progress and competition!

#HBSummerShare 2015


 expired summershare

#HBSummerShare is BACK and we’re ready for you to take on the challenge! It’s easy to get caught up in the patio weather, sangria pitchers, and fro-yo, but we can’t forget to get our sweat on through the season. We created #HBSummerShare last spring in an effort to keep our dedicated winter riders going strong as New Years resolutions begin to pitter out. The Summer Share is a combination of a discounted 10 weeks of riding and a little friendly competition to keep everyone on track. Along the way, we want to see how you spend your summer – so be sure to share your fantastic summer journeys with us on social media and get rewarded. (Reward deets to follow).

The Details:

There is a slight difference between this summer and last summer’s challenge. The hashtag and riding will be kept separate this year. So there are technically TWO challenges. WooHooo! Anyone in the HB Community can participate in the hashtag challenge, not just the riders that have purchased the #HBSummerShare package.

  1. The HB riding competition is for #HBSummerShare package holders only and results will be recorded on the wall of each studio on our traditional #HBSummerShare leaderboard (see below). Throughout the summer, the HB staff will keep track of each rider’s number of rides on an in-studio leader board.

    The LeaderBoard will be posted in each studio for riders to keep track of the #HBSummerShare progress!

    The LeaderBoard will be posted in each studio for riders to keep track of the #HBSummerShare progress!

  2.  For the HB Instagram challenge, we’re rewarding ANYONE who uses the hashtag #HBSummerShare on Instagram and twitter.. not just our summershare riders. The more you use it, the greater your chance at winning. Get creative, try to inspire your community! Each week we’ll pic a favorite post or pic and treat that rider to a surprise prize, a different theme each week 🙂 Think swag, gift cards, tickets, to all of your favorite (and our favorite) places. So ALL riders should hashtag-it-up all summer long to get on our radar and win 1 of 10 awesome prizes along the way.

Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 8.46.56 PM

Are you ready? Packages are available to purchase NOW An AMAZING 10 weeks of riding for just $400! And if you buy before May 15th, early bird price is $375! Once the #HBSummerShare kicks off on June 1st, we’ll be following your progress riding AND sharing your Instagrams/tweets to keep you motivated and on track all summer long!

Note: Of course, participation in the challenge is NOT required. You can take advantage of the unlimited discount and enjoy the package without participating in the leader board… just shoot us an email after your purchase and we’ll be sure to keep your attendance private. 

For logistical questions please email Jess at jess@handlebarcycling.com

Get Ready… Get Excited….AND RAISE THAT BAR!

Click HERE to Purchase NOW

Sweet Sweet Summer Time!

An important note for our riders

Dear Riders,

As summer comes to a close, we pack up our beach chairs, put away the flip flops and get back to our autumn routines. It has been a summer to remember here in Boston- sunshine and low humidity have made for some great sunsets at the Barking Crab and daytime lounges at M Street Beach. We hate to see it go… but we do love thick sweaters and brisk walks on Newbury Street..#silverlining

The Handle Bar has certainly had a summer to remember.

We opened our 2nd studio in the Fenway neighborhood, hosted a kick ass Summer Share competition, and were named Boston’s Best exercise class by the Improper Bostonian. We are ecstatic that our classes and studios are so well received by our riders and community, and want to continue bettering our facilities, equipment, and class offerings. We have listened to your feedback and suggestions and want to continue to improve your experience at The Handle Bar. This fall you’ll be seeing several changes for the better, at both studios and online!

1)  Southie renovations – in September our home base studio in South Boston will undergo some minor renovations in the entrance, bike room, and restrooms. We think you’ll be pleased with the upgrades.

2)  New website and booking system – Also in early Fall, we’re giving our website a facelift. Tired of rushing into the bike room to secure your favorite bike? You’re in luck. The new system will include a layout of the bike room and you will select and reserve a specific bike when you book your class. Front row riders – this means you better sign up early! The new website will also include a mobile version of the site for easy smartphone booking. And lastly, no need to worry about your account. All of your login information, packages, and visit history will remain intact.

3)  Student Discount – we’re thrilled to unveil student pricing to all of our undergraduate and graduate students within the HB community and beyond. With a copy of your current transcript, you can purchase any of our class packages or unlimited pricing options at 20% off. The discount is only valid when you purchase in-studio, and cannot be combined with any other discount.

4)  Price increase– Effective September 2nd shoes will be included with every ride! With improvements on both studios and significant class additions in September, we have a need to raise some of our pricing options by a few dollars. The single, 5 and 10 packs are increasing by the amount shown below effective September 2nd, 2014.  The unlimited pricing options, 20 and 40 packs are not changing!

New Pricing

Single Class w/shoes – $24

5 Classes w/shoes – $115 ($23/class)

10 Classes w/shoes – $210 ($21/class)

20 Classes w/shoes – $340 ($17/class)

40 Classes w/shoes – $640 ($16/class)

1 Month Unlimited – $175

5)  Labor Day Sale – We understand that increasing prices on some of offerings is bad news for you as a rider. To thank you for your continued support and loyalty to our brand and mission, we’re offering a 3-day sale good for 25% our existing pricing options. For this sale only, these packages will have no expiration date.. we encourage you to stock up! The sale details are outlined below:

Labor DaySale

CODE: LaborDay25

Single Class – $20 $15

5 Classes – $95 $71.25

10 Classes – $180 $135

As always, we encourage feedback and questions regarding these changes and beyond. It is our mission to continue offering exceptional service throughout your Handle Bar experience. We believe that these updates are a necessary step to maintain the level of quality and consistency that you’ve come to appreciate.


Jess and The Handle Bar Team

handle bar founder jess announces labor day sale student discounts price increase improvements to cycling studio


HB Summer Share

10 Weeks of Unlimited Riding for $400



We made it through one of the more brutal Boston winters in the past decade.. summer has arrived and we earned it. Warm months bring patio dinners, poolside lounging, sun, sand, and surf. Maybe you’re going in on a Cape house with friends.. or cruising out to the Vineyard for a few long weekends.  No matter how you plan to spend your summer, it will most certainly be a time for socializing – connecting with family, friends and your community while the hot sun brings everyone out to play.

At The HB, we’ve  decided to get in on this notion.. and focus our efforts this summer on sharing experiences. We’re making a pact to get out, visit family, go to concerts, dance, sweat, eat, work, and enjoy every second of this summer with our friends before its gone.

Will you join us?

Summer Shareblog

Beginning on June 15th,  The Handle Bar will begin a summer-long event called the HB Summer Share.  Our riders new and old have the opportunity to buy a 10 week  unlimited package, and join in on our Summer Share challenge.



Those who complete the challenge will receive:

– Superstar Status

– a Neon American Apparel HB Summer Share tank to rock your accomplishment 

The top three finishers will each receive

– an additional month of unlimited riding

Throughout the summer, the HB staff will keep track of each rider’s points on an in-studio leader board. Once the Summer Share kicks off we’ll be following your moves and sharing your weekly progress with you  to keep you motivated and on track. We’ll also chart your attendance and sharing online so you can watch your points stack up.

Cost: $400 with an early bird discount at $375 if you purchase before June 1st, 2014.

Since we made the pact to share our summer, stay social, and enjoy it… we’re including 2  guest passes with the Summer Share Package.  Because riding with friends makes the summer even sweeter.


Of course, participation in the challenge is NOT required. You can take advantage of the unlimited discount and enjoy the package without participating in the leaderboard.. just shoot us an email after your purchase and we’ll be sure to keep your attendance private.

note: At least 50% of your points must come from riding

Call (857) 239-9789 or email jess@handlebarcycling.com with questions