#HBSummerShare 2015: Commit to a Summer Worth Sharing

by amy frankenthaler


Have you signed up for #HBSummershare yet? If Not Now? When? #HBSummerShare starts June 1st, you have only a couple more days to take advantage of this fantastic deal: $400 for 10 weeks of UNLIMITED riding. How will you #raisethebar this summer?

We were able to reach out to four of our awesome HBriders that both won #HBSummerShare last summer Alisun Kovach, Dayna Isley, Becky Anzalone and Nicole Castillo. Thanks again ladies for sharing your experiences with us, we love our #HBFam! We had them reflect on their experience last summer with HBSummerShare:


1)What inspired you to sign up for #HBSummerShare last summer?

Becky Anzalone: I signed up #HBSummerShare last summer as a way to hold me accountable for my workout routine. I find it hard in the summer months to keep up with a consistent routine with the lure of outdoor patio drinking.  I already found myself spinning a few nights a week so it made sense (as well as the cost-savings of being able to have an unlimited pass to spin classes).

Nicole Castillo:I was training for a half-marathon, and I wanted to step up my game. Spinning made a huge difference, because I am able to achieve a much harder cardio doing it than running. Also, the competition was just so fun! And pretty much I’ll do anything for free swag. 🙂

Alisun Kovach: I never participated in any kind of challenge before, I thought the #HBSummerShare sounded really fun, and seemed like a great way to prioritize working out during the summer. Plus the potential to win a free month of unlimited riding and a free shirt had me sold!

Dayna Isley: I ran my first half marathon in May last year. Running, as it turns out, is not my favorite. I needed a change, and #HBSummerShare seemed like a good challenge.

2)Describe your experience. What was the best part about #HBSummerShare last year?

Becky Anzalone:I am so glad I participated last year! One of my good friends also did it with me, so we could both motivate each other and use it as an excuse to see each other more often.  I also loved having the board up on display – talk about accountability! It was also a great way to see how you were stacking up versus other riders. The competitive element was really motivating! I also really enjoyed the social media aspect and tagging my instagram pics and tweets with the #HBsummershare.  It’s a great way to stay connected with other HB riders/instructors.

Nicole Castillo: It was incredible! A friend (Valerie Abeille) and I did it — she was at Fenway and I was at Southie and we could watch each others’ progress on the leaderboard. It was hard at times to stick with it because I would “fall behind” when I went on vacation. But, knowing I had a goal to reach, got me to hit spin at times when I normally would just skip it… like before I got on the airplane for a summer vacation, or early in the morning after a late night out.

Alisun Kovach: Participating in the #HBSummerShare was awesome. Since I was at the studio so much, I got to meet a lot of new people and was able to get to know the girls who work there too (love them all!). I also loved that you got points not only for going to classes, but also for posting on instagram (truth be told, I didn’t have an insta account until the challenge started, and now I can’t get enough of it). It was fun walking around and finding random things that would remind you of the HB, and therefore remind you to get your butt to class, and like I said, prioritize working out, even when all you really wanted to do was lay at the beach all day.

Dayna Isley: I had been spinning some at the Handle Bar in Southie since it opened, but #HBSummerShare really kicked things up. I learned that I could spin a lot–even in the morning!–and really love it.  By the end of summer, I could even make it through both sets of arms in Elise’s hour of power Saturday classes. I felt stronger and had fun in the process.

3) Are you signed up for #HBSummerShare this summer? If so, what are you looking forward to most?

Becky Anzalone: I signed up for my second #HBsummershare for this summer and I can’t wait until it starts.  I am excited to have an unlimited pass to ride all summer long and stay motivated by all the amazing riders at the Handle Bar  (I have a couple friends who I plan on riding with this summer as well!). I’ve tried other spin studios over the years across the city, but the sense of community at Handle Bar, is part of what keeps me coming back.  #HBSummerShare is a prime example of why I love spinning at the Handle Bar.

Nicole Castillo: I’m not… because I have the VIP membership… or I totally would! I am still going to hashtag and post. The Handlebar ladies of twitter are already in full force. I’m excited to join them. I’m at @niccastillo1017 I’m all about the social media engagement. Last year, I did a top 10 things I learned from #HBSummerShare. Let’s see what I come up with this year. 🙂

Alisun Kovach: I haven’t decided if I’m singing up yet, but I would really like to win a beach towel, so I probably will!

Dayna Isley: I signed up for #HBSummerShare again because it was so motivating and fun last year. Because I like spin, I know I’ll stick with it; and if I ever feel like slacking, the challenge will keep me motivated. It’s also a great deal when you break it down. Bring on June 1!

An Instagram posted by Becky last summer for #HBSummerShare. A great example of the hashtag social media challenge in action.

An Instagram posted by Becky last summer for #HBSummerShare. A great example of the hashtag social media challenge in action.

If you still aren’t convinced, we’ve put together a list of the top reasons to participate in #HBSummerShare.

Top Five Reasons to Join #HBSummerShare 2015:

  1. Stay in Shape and Motivated all Summer long with a Steal of a Deal                       Each studio will track those participating in the riding competition. It’s officially bikini season, we have to keep that beach body we worked so hard to get! Can’t give up now, keep that beach body all summer long with #HBSummerShare. Ten weeks of unlimited riding for just $400 lets you stay in shape and save for those amazing summer adventures.
  2. #HBFam + #HBCommunity Support (Forever and Always <3)                                Join the #HBFam this summer not only in the saddle, but whereever your summer adventures take you! Simply, by tagging #HBSummerShare in a Facebook post, Instagram or tweet, your #HBFam will be right there with you. We, also, encourage you to make some new #HBSummerShare 2015 friends and meet up both on AND off the saddle. This is strongly encouraged in any and all challenges this summer..after all…“You CAN Spin With Us” 🙂
  3. Adjusted Summer Schedule- Just for YOU                                                         We know you’re busy, its summer, its warm…you want to be on the beach. We have tailored our weekend schedules to accommodate just that. Please take a look at your home studio’s schedules because weekend times have been added and changed for the summer effective this weekend. All the more reason to squeeze in a ride or two with your unlimited #HBSummerShare package.
  4. Prizes (Who doesn’t like prizes?)                                                                          We like prizes! If you participate in the riding competition and ride 45 times in 10 weeks…that’s just 4-5 times per week…you win a beautiful #HBSummerShare 2015 beach towel. Think of all those at the beach or pool envious of that gorgeous towel you EARNED. The top four rides will win FURTHER unlimited riding packages.                                                                              If you participate in the hashtag/social media competition, you have a chance to win a prize EVERY week of the competition. Each week, our favorite hashtagged post will be announced and the winner will receive a gift from 1 of our favorite local spots. The sponsor and prize will be announced at the start of each week, and to get you started  – here’s what we have for our first 4 weeks of the competition:

    Week 1 Prize: Handle Bar embroidered Backpack or duffle (of your choice)

    Week 2 Prize: A tasty gift from a tasty place! $50 to Tasty Burger

    Week 3 Prize: Feeling feisty? Post to win $50 to Loco Taqueria and Oyster Bar in Southie!

    Week 4 Prize:  A Perky Gift from our new Fenway neighbor! Pavement Coffee $50 gift card

                                     More prizes to be released next week!

  5. Competition                                                                                                                                             Challenge your friends, family, neighbors, mailman, new and old HB friends and more importantly YOURSELF to ride more, ride stronger, ride proud. Share the link to this blog with anyone you want to see sitting on that saddle next to you.                                                                                                                           This is your summer, your time to shine, to kick ass, so take charge! The summer of you is waiting…so grab a #HBSummershare package and watch yourself transform in just 10 weeks. The challenge starts June 1st, so act fast.

Click here to purchase your #HBSummerShare 2015 purchase.

Once the #HBSummerShare kicks off on June 1st, we’ll be following your progress riding AND sharing your Instagrams/tweets to keep you motivated and on track all summer long. Be sure to tag #HBSummerShare in your posts!

Tweet at us when and why you chose to sign up for #HBSummerShare to @The_Handle_Bar for twitter AND instagram!  Doing the #HBSummerShare for the second year in a row? We want to hear from you too, share your experiences just like Alisun, Dayna, Becky and Nicole. We may just share some on and before the #HBSummerShare kickoff June 1st.

As always, see you in the saddle!

The new LEADERBOOK for #HBSummerShare2015! Keep track of your progress and competition!

The new LEADERBOOK for #HBSummerShare 2015! Keep track of your progress and competition!

#HBSummerShare 2015


 expired summershare

#HBSummerShare is BACK and we’re ready for you to take on the challenge! It’s easy to get caught up in the patio weather, sangria pitchers, and fro-yo, but we can’t forget to get our sweat on through the season. We created #HBSummerShare last spring in an effort to keep our dedicated winter riders going strong as New Years resolutions begin to pitter out. The Summer Share is a combination of a discounted 10 weeks of riding and a little friendly competition to keep everyone on track. Along the way, we want to see how you spend your summer – so be sure to share your fantastic summer journeys with us on social media and get rewarded. (Reward deets to follow).

The Details:

There is a slight difference between this summer and last summer’s challenge. The hashtag and riding will be kept separate this year. So there are technically TWO challenges. WooHooo! Anyone in the HB Community can participate in the hashtag challenge, not just the riders that have purchased the #HBSummerShare package.

  1. The HB riding competition is for #HBSummerShare package holders only and results will be recorded on the wall of each studio on our traditional #HBSummerShare leaderboard (see below). Throughout the summer, the HB staff will keep track of each rider’s number of rides on an in-studio leader board.

    The LeaderBoard will be posted in each studio for riders to keep track of the #HBSummerShare progress!

    The LeaderBoard will be posted in each studio for riders to keep track of the #HBSummerShare progress!

  2.  For the HB Instagram challenge, we’re rewarding ANYONE who uses the hashtag #HBSummerShare on Instagram and twitter.. not just our summershare riders. The more you use it, the greater your chance at winning. Get creative, try to inspire your community! Each week we’ll pic a favorite post or pic and treat that rider to a surprise prize, a different theme each week 🙂 Think swag, gift cards, tickets, to all of your favorite (and our favorite) places. So ALL riders should hashtag-it-up all summer long to get on our radar and win 1 of 10 awesome prizes along the way.

Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 8.46.56 PM

Are you ready? Packages are available to purchase NOW An AMAZING 10 weeks of riding for just $400! And if you buy before May 15th, early bird price is $375! Once the #HBSummerShare kicks off on June 1st, we’ll be following your progress riding AND sharing your Instagrams/tweets to keep you motivated and on track all summer long!

Note: Of course, participation in the challenge is NOT required. You can take advantage of the unlimited discount and enjoy the package without participating in the leader board… just shoot us an email after your purchase and we’ll be sure to keep your attendance private. 

For logistical questions please email Jess at jess@handlebarcycling.com

Get Ready… Get Excited….AND RAISE THAT BAR!

Click HERE to Purchase NOW

Sweet Sweet Summer Time!

How NOT to get an F in Fitness

The college student’s guide to staying fit from the first day of class to finals

By Falon Sweeney


Jess, Cara, and their fellow NFA alumnae

Last week at The HB, we hosted a special ride for any local Norwich Free Academy (NFA) alumnae, taught by NFA grad herself, Cara Tramontozzi. We also hosted a ride for Northeastern University’s dance group, Kinematix, taught by Cara as well. It was amazing to see so many students and grads staying fit during college and beyond. 

As a senior, I feel like I’ve almost mastered the feat of staying healthy in college, with a few slip-ups along the way. I’ve done everything I set out to do when I started as a freshman – go abroad, play club lacrosse, go on service trips, rush a sorority, work a part-time job, stay on top of my studies, and make lifelong friends. But each of these accomplishments have come with their own challenges, especially when trying to maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle. From “drunchies,” post lax game meals, and spontaneous wine nights to living in a foreign country, I’ve found that it’s challenging – but very possible – to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. I figured out my way of staying healthy, but I am intrigued as to how our instructors at The HB stayed fit despite all the challenges and temptations college has to offer. Here’s what they had to say:

Many of you were high school athletes. How did you handle the transition from tough practices 5x per week to having to schedule your own workouts?

Eve: It was a really hard transition not having the discipline of having to go to practice – but I quickly realized that NOT working out in some fashion left me feeling really crummy and actually made me more fatigued.

Jess: I took it easy for a while! I had worked so hard for so long that my first semester at college was a lot of elliptical and easy, short workouts. As I started missing the sweat, I discovered group fitness and fell in love with spinning, bootcamp, pilates, etc. 

Rachel: I played both club and school soccer during high school, so it was definitely a big change for me to go from a regimented team sport schedule to DIY fitness. I would say the biggest thing I missed was the team atmosphere – which is why I love getting to know students and my fellow instructors at the Handle Bar. We’re like one big team (cue sitcom audience “awwww!”).

Sarah: I was a college athlete as well. After practicing twice a day for 9 months out of the year for 8+ years I took an entire year off when I graduated. No gym, no working out, nothing. I was completely burnt out. I started doing yoga to help my body and mind heal. Once I started feeling better, I transitioned into my dynamic workouts like boxer conditioning classes and indoor cycling. The trick I think is to find something you actually enjoy doing again. High and college sports at a very high level tend to feel like a job or a chore and you lose sight of why you fell in love with the sport in the first place. Find something that makes you feel good 🙂 

Why is it important to continue to be fit while at college?


Cara and NU’s dance group, Kinematix

Eve: Working out actually boosted my energy levels on a daily basis, I noticed that if I worked out in the evening I would have a lot more energy to go to the library and study vs just laying in my dorm all day. It also kept me from getting to stressed out – especially during finals week a good sweat made all the difference! 

Jess: You’ll likely have more free time in college than post college so take advantage! Break up the studying with a quick zumba class, or start off a day of exams with a nice run. Use your time wisely in college to create habits for life. 

Rachel: Stress relief is the biggest benefit, I think – it’s so important for students (or anyone!) to find an outlet where they can truly tune out of the rest of their day and focus on their physical and mental wellbeings.

Cara: College is all work hard, play hard.  And when your college schedule is class, study, socialize, repeat… its nice to have fitness as that constant control and health feel!!  Working out is also a natural high/energy boost and I think in turn effects how well the mind works (for me at least!). 

Sarah: It’s important to get into a routine, especially with a heavy course load. I found that being a college athlete helped me be a better student. There wasn’t any extra time to waste. 

Any tips on how to avoid the dreaded Freshman 15?

Eve: Snacking! I realized that if I brought healthy snacks with me to class it would keep me from binge eating pizza at the dining hall later since I wasnt that hungry! 

Jess: Watch out for the Fro-Yo! The ice cream and many other delights in the Caf are serve yourself, and help yourself. The portion sizes can be out of control. Try and curb the amount you put on your plate… and don’t waste food by loading up even though you know you can’t eat it all.

Rachel: Oh, boy… One thing I would say to students is please please please​ don’t go on a “beer diet” – aka sacrifice nutrition throughout the day to counteract calories from drinking. This is no bueno. Your bodies and your brains need food!

Sarah: Lay off the booze during the week. 

Cara: Dont worry about the Freshman 15.  Just stay active, and enjoy!!  

As college students, we often are forced to prioritize two out of three pillars of our lives – school work, social life, health (nutrition/sleep/fitness). Is there any way to strike a balance between all three?

Jess: For me it was staying busy. I’m most efficient when I have a full schedule. So I got a part time waitressing job which forced me to get my school work done during the day instead of at night. To clear my head and stay energized I used the gym. I never have had a problem making time for my social life:) In college there was always time for a party!

Eve: It is all about time management! You need to figure out a schedule and routine that works for you and stick to it! That can be hard to figure out when so much stuff is going on around you – but what really helped me was a planner and routine! 

Rachel: I always tried to pull double duty and make my other activities social when possible, to avoid FOMO (note that FOMO did not exist in the early ’00s). Study with a friend, cook a big healthy meal with roommates, and grab an indoor cycling class with your BFFs (hint hint!).

Cara: There is an absolute balance for the party/study/fitness routine.  I would force myself out on a run on those hungover mornings to “sweat it out” and start the day fresh with whatever needed to be done before the next party. haha!  Also, hiting the gym or a fitness class following an exam was always an awesome release for my exam mood mind.  That full body cleanse through sweating is the best!  

Did you work out solo or with a buddy during college?

Jess: Both. I was friends with the NU rowing team and I used to try and hang with them in the gym when I was feeling ambitious. I’d get tips on weight lifting routines and circuit training. Then of course there were the times when I just wanted my earbuds and alone time. 

Eve: Mostly with a friend! A lot of times me and friends would make gym dates as a place to catch up. It’s a lot harder to bail on the gym if you know someone else will be there waiting for you/

Sarah: I was a coxswain in college so I didn’t get much of my working out done on the water unlike my rowers. So while I had practice twice a day with my team, I still had to get my own workout in too. This usually happened by myself which was totally fine. It was the only hour of the day I got to myself sometimes. 

Rachel: We definitely had gym and running dates. I went to school in a very small town, which was wonderful, but we definitely didn’t have the amazing fitness options that we do in Boston. I’d like to think my friends and I would have taken full advantage!

Many college students figure that 20 minutes on the elliptical 3x per week will keep us in shape. Do you agree or disagree? 

Jess: If you’re looking to change your body, strengthen your mind, and find new challenges then you need to mix it up. The elliptical rarely provides the intense cardio workout of a spin class, and not incorporating any weights (even light weights) will leave you ‘skinny fat’ – my favorite term for thin people with no muscle tone. 

Eve: Unfortunately that is COMPLETELY FALSE AND YOU WILL GET FAT! college students also often times figure that working out one body part once will amount to anything. Thats why its really important to get full body workouts (like at the Handle Bar) where you work your arms, abs, and legs. Full body workouts are the most effective over all in my opinion. 

Sarah: If that’s all you got time for it’s better than nothing. But I’m a huge fan of weight training, especially for girls! It’s also great to try and find a class or regime that combines cardio AND weight training, just like we do at The Handle Bar! 

Rachel: ​This is what I call the “better than nothing” workout – and I was definitely this girl at times. I personally find that group fitness settings give me more accountability and I am 100x more likely to push myself – and have more fun!

Cara: I fell into the elliptical routine in college because I saw all the “thin and cute” upper class girls doing it… but really saw and FELT the best results from other forms of exercise that worked for me— running, spinning, even zumba!  Something to make that heart rate and body feel something different each week.

Once you got the whole fitness thing figured out and worked into your schedule, how did you deal with the lack of a kitchen and the overabundance of dining hall food that so many of us face?

Jess: It is difficult to use self control in an all-you-can-eat setting. I began switching my meal plan around so that I could buy healthy takeout options or cook for myself instead of eating every meal in the dining hall. That allowed me to control and monitor my intake much better. 

Eve: Snacking throughout the day keeps you fuller so you won’t go crazy with the make your own cupcake station. Also drinking LOTS of water – drinking water itself will fill you up so if you down a bottle of water before going to the dining hall you are a lot less hungry and won’t eat as much! 

Sarah: I would say this is much easier once you live off campus or have an apartment with your own kitchen. Preparing your own meals is the way to go. 

Cara: I could never figure out the whole food thing in college.  I was a victim of the dining hall, the late night pizza, kegs of beer, and pints of Ben and Jerrys…  but really just tried to keep it in moderation (sometimes more than others). You cant say no all together!!

How did fitness keep your stress at bay during those long semesters?

Jess: Its hard to think about an exam or homework when your sprinting uphill and jumping around a spin bike. “Lose yourself in the music, the moment. ” – Eminem 

Eve: Exercising will naturally lighten your mood – when you are stressed and grumpy and tired, a 45 min sweat sesh has the power to completely turn around your mood and distract your mind when your body is at work. After a workout you have a fresh mind to go back to work! 

Sarah: Look at it as your escape and your reward. Finish a paper early? Awesome! Treat yourself to a class at The Handle Bar! 

Not Just a Girl Thing

I can’t figure out exactly when indoor cycling – an action-packed, sweat-inducing, heart pumping push of an exercise routine – became ‘just a girl thing’, but we all know that in the collective athletic consciousness, that adage is more than a little bit true.

And on some level I get it! Lots of girls in colorful spandex, some girl power tunes, and tons of motivational, pump-you-up talk from your high-energy, kick-ass instructor. But who says feeling good and building up a crazy sweat have to be mutually exclusive concepts? Good news, they don’t! Here’s why:

  1. It gets your ‘flow’ going

Do you know what it’s like to be totally in the zone during a workout? That mind-blanking, totally exhilarating, full mind/body meld when everything seems to click into place all at one time? If you do, I’d bet good money that spin has probably has something to do with it. If not, riding at the HB might be just the thing to help you get there. Why? According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the guy who literally wrote the book on ‘flow’- the academic manifestation of getting in the groove – hearing motivational words during your workout is a huge factor in keeping your mind on the moment. By letting your HB instructor talk you through that climb or letting Rihanna, Calvin Harris, and Lil Wayne sing you through your sprint, you actually help your brain stay in the present and achieve exercise nirvana.[1]

guys fenway

  1. It increases your muscular endurance

Seasoned lifters are likely to scoff when confronted with what looks like a tiny bar resting happily next to their bike at every HB class, but don’t be fooled! The songs that utilize that bar to tone your arms are increasing your musculature in a completely different way from heavy lifting. Even Men’s Fitness (yes, THAT Men’s Fitness) extolls the benefits of low-weight/high-rep lifting as a part of a balanced workout routine.[2] While your deadlifts, squats, and intense bench presses at the gym are what help boost your muscle size, low-weight/high-rep exercises like the ones at HB are the ones that help you lift for longer!


  1. It’s an individually tailored workout and a group activity – at the same time!

One of the greatest things about riding at the HB is the sense of group camaraderie you get from working out with another group of highly motivated people – just like you get on the field playing a team sport. But the HB offers something that a team sport doesn’t – the ability to tailor your output and effort to your abilities. By allowing for individual levels of resistance and speed – we rate effort on a 1-10 scale, so the level of your workout is always determined by you – you have the ability to push yourself to your limits without being held up to the limits of others.

All right guys, so now you know – spinning is definitely not just for the girls anymore. So saddle up, and come join us on the bike!  I promise – no spandex required.

guys in fenway, men fitness, spinning, boston, workout, cardio

by: sarah weinberg

Berg, Michael, and Brad Schoenfeld. n.d. “Your Ideal Rep Range.” Men’s Fitness.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 1998. Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life. Basic Books.